

Main / Music / Wiki2touch


Name: Wiki2touch

File size: 519mb

Language: English

Rating: 6/10



Wiki2Touch is multilangual. You even can install several languages at the same time. I'm using the German edition so there are only German screenshots. The program Wiki2Touch lets you explore the Wikipedia on your iPod touch or iPhone offline. You don't need WiFi nor any other net. It's fast, has support for. The application Wiki2Touch is not supported anymore. Wiki2Touch was an offline Wikipedia browser for (jailbroken) iPhones,iPod Touchs and iPads.

An offline Wikipedia mini-server. Wiki2Touch How-To Guide. Upload your articles .bin, epargne-banque.com etc. to /private/var/mobile/Media/Wikipedia/xx/, where 'xx'. Wiki2touch This app is for all of you who need to be a walking wikipedia which I doubt is all that many. Basically, when all goes according to. Back in I've written Wiki2Touch, an offline reader for Wikipedia or other wiki- style article collections. iPhone, now iOS, software. That version was never.

A standalone MediaWiki offline reader for iOS 2.x and above. This project holds the code for Wiki2touch Server on the Big Boss repository. Wiki2touch Server. File:Wiki2Touch png. No higher resolution available. Wiki2Touch_png ( × pixels, file size: 61 KB, MIME type: image/png).


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