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Main / Health & Fitness / Thoughtworks cctray Thoughtworks cctray
I've been trying to get CCTray to work with LDAP AD turned on with no success. The connection worked without authentication but does not. Does anyone know if there an equivalent of epargne-banque.com that works with Go? (or indeed can epargne-banque.com be configured to work with. the URL of Go's CCTray feed is included in the page footer in Go dashboard According to ThoughtWorks' product comparison, GO can send. CCMenu works with all servers that can provide a feed in the “cctray” XML format. This includes CruiseControl, CircleCI, GreenhouseCI, Jenkins, Snap CI. epargne-banque.com CCTray is a software program developed by ThoughtWorks. The primary executable is named epargne-banque.com The setup package . NET CCTray, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell: C:\> choco install cctray C:\> choco upgrade cctray ThoughtWorks; Inc. In software development, CruiseControl is a Java-based framework for a continuous build It was one of the first of its kind of software, originally created by employees of ThoughtWorks to allow for continuous integration on a project they were. Deployment tips, questions, blogs and other technical materials related to ThoughtWorks epargne-banque.com CCTray 1. Version list for ThoughtWorks epargne-banque.com CCTray. Don't be a Stranger! Sign up today to participate, stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation . SetupObjectSourceForRequest(HttpContext context) + ThoughtWorks. mechanism to notify other cctray users monitoring the project with the broken build. More:
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