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Main / Casino / Tailplane


Name: Tailplane

File size: 908mb

Language: English

Rating: 9/10



A tailplane, also known as a horizontal stabiliser, is a small lifting surface located on the tail (empennage) behind the main lifting surfaces of a fixed-wing aircraft. A stabilator, more frequently all-moving tail or all-flying tail, is a fully movable aircraft stabilizer. All-flying tailplanes were used on many pioneer aircraft and the popular Morane-Saulnier G, H and L monoplanes from France as well as the . English[edit]. Etymology[edit]. tail + plane. Noun[edit]. tailplane (plural tailplanes ). A horizontal airfoil, at the rear of an aircraft, to which the elevator is attached;.

Define tailplane. tailplane synonyms, tailplane pronunciation, tailplane translation, English dictionary definition of tailplane. n a small horizontal wing at the tail of. For conventional designs, the tail is composed of two parts: the horizontal tail and the vertical tail. They play a role in the trim and the. Tailplane definition is - the horizontal tail surfaces of an airplane including the stabilizer and the elevator.

So maneuvering is one reason why the tailplane would produce negative lift. The next reason has to do with trimming the aircraft in pitch. If you have a non-zero. Tailplane definition, horizontal stabilizer. See more. Understanding key elements of tail plane icing in business aircraft.


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