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Notan The Dark Light Principle of Design

Name: Notan The Dark Light Principle of Design

File size: 836mb

Language: English

Rating: 5/10



As a guiding principle of Eastern art and design, Notan (a Japanese word meaning dark-light) focuses on the interaction between positive and negative space. Editorial Reviews. From the Back Cover. As a guiding principle of Eastern art and design, Notan (a Japanese word meaning dark-light) focuses on the. From the Back Cover. As a guiding principle of Eastern art and design, Notan (a Japanese word meaning dark-light) focuses on the interaction between positive.

A guiding principle of Eastern art and design, focusing on the interaction between positive and negative space, demonstrated in six art lessons of progressive. Notan: The Dark-Light Principle of Design. Front Cover. Dorr Bothwell, Marlys Mayfield. Reinhold Book Corporation, - Composition (Art) - 79 pages. Download Citation on ResearchGate | Notan: the dark-light principle of design / Dorr Bothwell and Marlys Mayfield | Reprint. Originally published: New York.

Notan: The Dark-Light Principle of Design by Dorr Bothwell. I flip through this book every so often when I am thinking about composition in a.


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